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Anti Wrinkle Injection (Botox)

This treatment helps reduce any fine lines & wrinkles on the upper area of your face. Areas include Crows Feet, In between Brows,  Forehead and Bunny Lines.  
These fine lines & wrinkles tend to make a more visible appearance as you get older, but other factors that can increase the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles can be down to lifestyle factors or too much sun exposure.

Botox Injections

Botox Price List

To reduce these fine lines & wrinkles, we will perform a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment; we inject into the fine lines & wrinkles, which blocks the signals from the nerves which are contracting these muscles when we concentrate, squint, and smile or frown. By injecting into the muscles, we are temporarily paralysing the muscle's contracting, which causes the wrinkles to relax and soften. This treatment can also improve the overall appearance of your face and reduces the signs of ageing. 

Please note, all new clients must have a face-to-face consultation prior to booking. The consultation fee will be deducted from your final balance


Two areas choose: 3 areas Crow's Feet, Frown Lines and Forehead/Frown Lines and Forehead/Crows Feet and Frown lines/Lip Flip/Gummy Smile/Chin Dimpling/Marionette Lines/Bunny Lines/Brow Lift


Three areas (see above for choices)

Four to Five areas (see above for choices)

Review/Top up only if required




Botox Price List

* Recommended review if required 2 to 3 weeks after initial treatment and then every 12 weeks.
* Treatment can take up to 2 weeks to see any effects.
* A £100 booking fee is required to book into treatment to secure. (Only refundable if you are not suitable for the treatment)

What can stop me from having this Treatment?

Reasons why you CAN NOT have the treatment :
* Pregnant or Breastfeeding
* Under the age of 18
* Allergy to this treatment before
* Suffering from Skin Infections in the area(s) being treated.
* Taking medications which affect bleeding e.g. aspirin.
* Certain Medications 
* Suffer from Neo muscular/ Neological issues.

* If you are over 60 and on the medication, you will need to get your GP's consent before having this treatment.

Gummy Smile


Chin Dimple

Lip Flip



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